Parents Night at the Leper Colony (2010)
"A splendid one hour introduction to this criminally overlooked band."
"Parents Night at the Leper Colony is bizarre to say the least. Their melodies are aggressive, their harmonies a vast tonal labyrinth. Songs change direction without warning at rollercoaster speeds. Overwhelming to the point of exhaustion... This album is not escapism, this is a close up examination of castration anxiety."
"Leisure Class hit the bullseye... in the punk rock carnival shooting gallery that is Parents Night at the Leper Colony."
"This is the album you can put on and enjoy with a few of your coolest friends or you can also use it to run off unwanted guests."
"Detroit punk jazz vaudeville, an AOR ballad, a few hard core scream-offs. All this and more can be found on Parents Night at the Leper Colony... the missing link between the Dead Kennedys, Frank Zappa and The Tubes."
"Once you really get into the lyrics you're going see yourself, and sometimes it's not a pretty thing, my friend. Racism, hate, and self-loathing are all abundant throughout Parents Night at the Leper Colony, and they're performed with wit, sarcasm, and dead-on reality... Leisure Class are the real deal!"
"Leisure Class is one of Detroit's underrated gems and it shows in these tracks."
"A real find!"
"It won't go in the bin."
Mr. Unique and the Leisure Class (1983)
"Reeks of class."
"Something to offend everyone."
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